
Teenage Grave

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Perfect Bound // 4×6, 92 pages.

It’s hard to underestimate how much this little book has changed the course of the press in the few years since its release. By and large, it’s our most popular book, and its cult status keeps growing every day. Tabling at conferences and fairs, I see people stumbling over themselves to pick it up like it’s something that they half-remember from a dream.

TG was also our second-ever Splatterpunk Award Nomination with Justin Lutz’s ‘Start Today.’

Great stuff!

(Back Cover Text)
Featuring: Jo Quenell, Sam Richard, Brendan Vidito & Justin Lutz
Teenage Grave brings together four of the most brutally frank and intricately surreal fictions from the modern horror underground. Combining elements of splatterpunk, body horror, and transgressive fiction. Teenage Grave will lay you bare before severing your nerves. Smiling a little too much while doing it.