Filthy Loot is currently working on two thematically sympathetic collections. I kinda despise rattling off keywords and micro-mini-genres. So, I figured that I would instead just ramble some impressions for the general shape. This is a semi-open submission that I hope spreads by word of mouth between people with similar sensibilities. I know this sounds convoluted, but if I can avoid reading 200+ stories to get 4 or 5 for each book, that would be fantastic.
With both of these, I’m looking to include stories that are set in “modern” settings, think 90s until current, maybe a couple of years in the future, but nothing too sci-fi adjacent. Stories can range the spectrum from literary to down and dirty genre fiction, but horror and dread are the top priorities. The main thing is that I want them to slip readers a message without being too on the nose or preachy.
Also, titles are subject to change, and will probably take shape as I’m accepting submissions.
Post-Modern Gothic: Stories that are set in high(ish) society, the impressions I have in my head are things set in prep schools, ivy league colleges, gleaming Ballardian apartment high-rises, etc. While the underlying theme of both of these will be issues of class, think of this one as “The Rich Will Eat Themselves”, but you know… not literally.
Middle America: I’m looking for stories that are the rural Midwest equivalent of southern gothic, with settings in the Midwestern region of Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, rural Minnesota, and Illinois. With towns decimated by big companies moving in, meatpacking plants, farms going under, etc. Not looking for slack-jawed redneck stereotypes or pitiful caricatures.
Things I’m not looking for: generic zombie/vampire/etc. stories, EC Comics punchline endings (unless done very well), PG-13, or warrantlessly “edgy” plots.
Though I don’t want authors to be hemmed in, I also want to strike a tone with these. If you think that you have something that will work, send me a pitch.
Alright, so that was still a little keywordy, but I feel better about it.
Guidelines: As above, but 2-4k words.
Compensation: 1¢ per word, and contributor copy. Or the equivalent of contributor copies at cost.
I would like to get submissions in by November. But really—it’ll probably go until I find the right sets of stories that lock together into a cohesive whole.
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I’m also starting the hunt for one-off chapbooks with longish stories and starting to play with the concept of Teenage Grave 2. Send me a pitch if interested.